Under the Clean Air Act, CARB is responsible for developing statewide programs and strategies to reduce smog-forming and toxic pollutants emitted from mobile sources. Heavy-duty diesel vehicles greater than 14,000 must have a (OBD) HD I/M testing or (OVI) Opacity and Visual Inspection test.
DMV Registration Exp Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Testing & Annual Fee Deadline Month | Jan Jul |
Feb Aug |
Mar Sep |
Apr Oct |
May Nov |
Jun Dec |
Jan Jul |
Feb Aug |
Mar Sep |
Apr Oct |
May Nov |
Jun Dec |
On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems are self-diagnostic systems incorporated into the computers of vehicles that monitor virtually every component that can affect vehicle emissions. If a problem with an emissions-related component is detected, the OBD system illuminates a warning lamp on the vehicle instrument panel to alert the driver and also stores information about the detected malfunctions to aid any needed repairs.
For these OBD systems to accurately monitor and detect emissions related problems, the vehicle must be
operated a sufficient amount of time for the system to complete a full diagnostic monitoring cycle of
each component it is monitoring. Once this occurs, the OBD system is in a ready state to accurately
determine whether a vehicle has an emissions related performance issue or not. If a vehicle’s OBD
has been reset or recently cleared, also referred to as “code clearing,” it will take time and
to bring the vehicle’s OBD system back into a fully ready state. Often a reset of the OBD system
when the battery is disconnected or a scan tool is used to perform a code clearing.
The Clean Truck Check OBD readiness testing requirement is an adjustment for some vehicle owners.
Understanding this, the program will ease into this OBD readiness requirement ramp up as the program
matures. Until this time, the program will establish minimum operation thresholds that will increase
stringency until these full readiness requirements are achieved.
The current minimum operation threshold for a Clean Truck Check test submission is for the vehicle to have at least five (5) Warm-Up Cycles (WUCs) since “codes cleared”.
An OBD test submitted to the Clean Truck Check that does not meet this minimum operation threshold
get a Not Ready (not passing) test result and will not meet the emissions compliance testing
Heavy-duty (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ≥ 14,000 lbs.) diesel vehicles and diesel hybrids with 2013 and newer model year engines.
Alternative fuel (e.g., natural gas) and alternative fuel hybrid heavy-duty vehicles with 2018 and newer model year engines
Monitors the effectiveness of the Emission Control Systems (ECS)
Identifies ECS in need of repair
Notifies driver when problems occur
Helps technicians diagnose and repair
Encourages the design of robust and durable ECS
If your Malfunction Indicator Light is on, get your vehicle repaired as soon as possible.
Don’t wait. Do the OBD test early in the compliance window so there will be time to fix any issues and re-test your vehicle, if necessary, by the compliance deadline.
Avoid clearing codes. OBD systems require a lot of vehicle operation to be able to complete the emission control system Monitor checks. A vehicle that has not been operated enough will fail the compliance test. Code clearing can occur when:
Disconnecting the battery
Using an improperly installed kill switch that disconnects power to the OBD system (it is OK if the kill switch just cuts power to accessories/lights/etc.)
Using an OBD scan tool to clear codes
Please ensure the test results appear in your CTC-VIS account when getting your vehicle(s) tested. If the test results do not show up within five minutes after completing the test, you may need to:
re-test your vehicle.
unplug other devices connected to the diagnostic port.
verify the communication between the vehicle and the OBD test device.
ensure the internet connection is stable.
If the results still do not appear after multiple attempts during your emissions compliance testing, please email us at hdim@arb.ca.gov.​​​​​​​
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) status and associated diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)
Monitor Readiness
Operation Since codes Cleared (OSC)
Permanent Diagnostic Trouble Codes (PDTCs)
The OBD scan device communicates with the vehicle’s on-board computer about faults known as DTCs. If
DTC is currently causing the MIL () to be commanded ON, there is
emissions related issue with the vehicle. Thus, the vehicle will fail the
An OBD system stores information that indicates if it is “ready” for a compliance test. A vehicle is not ready (and cannot pass a compliance test) if it has not had enough operation since the OBD memory was last cleared (also known as a “code clear”), and thus has not had sufficient time to complete a full diagnostic assessment to determine if an emissions related issue exists.
A code clear can occur if a fault has recently been repaired, or if a vehicle recently has had a dead,
disconnected, or replaced battery. It does not necessarily mean that anything is wrong with the
- it simply means that the vehicle hasn't had a chance to run all its self-diagnostics to confirm that
it is ready for compliance testing. The vehicle will need to be driven more before it can be tested.
Vehicle OBD systems have many components and operations that are monitored. These elements are
categorized into Monitor groups. The chart below is a somewhat generic consolidated list of Monitors.
The actual Monitor components within a Monitor group may vary between vehicle manufacturer, engine
manufacturer, fuel type, model year, and communication protocol. Below are examples of readiness
Typical Readiness Monitor Groups for |
Typical Readiness Monitor Groups for |
Misfire |
Misfire |
Fuel System |
Fuel System |
Comprehensive Components |
Comprehensive Components |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Catalyst |
NOx/Selective Catalyst Reduction Aftertreatment |
Heated Catalyst |
Boost Pressure |
Evaporative System |
Exhaust Gas Sensor |
Secondary Air |
Particulate Matter Filter |
Oxygen Sensor |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation / Variable Value Timing |
Heated Oxygen Sensor |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation/Variable Valve Timing |
Based on tests performed to date in Clean Truck Check, most vehicles have all Monitors ready at the time compliance tests are performed and submitted to CARB. However, vehicles that have had codes cleared recently will have multiple Monitors not ready (incomplete).
On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems are self-diagnostic systems incorporated into the computers of vehicles that monitor virtually every component that can affect vehicle emissions. If a problem with an emissions-related component is detected, the OBD system illuminates a warning lamp on the vehicle instrument panel to alert the driver and also stores information about the detected malfunctions to aid any needed repairs.
For these OBD systems to accurately monitor and detect emissions related problems, the vehicle must be
operated a sufficient amount of time for the system to complete a full diagnostic monitoring cycle of
each component it is monitoring. Once this occurs, the OBD system is in a ready state to accurately
determine whether a vehicle has an emissions related performance issue or not. If a vehicle’s OBD
has been reset or recently cleared, also referred to as “code clearing,” it will take time and
to bring the vehicle’s OBD system back into a fully ready state. Often a reset of the OBD system
when the battery is disconnected or a scan tool is used to perform a code clearing.
The Clean Truck Check OBD readiness testing requirement is an adjustment for some vehicle owners.
Understanding this, the program will ease into this OBD readiness requirement ramp up as the program
matures. Until this time, the program will establish minimum operation thresholds that will increase
stringency until these full readiness requirements are achieved.
The current minimum operation threshold for a Clean Truck Check test submission is for the vehicle to have at least five (5) Warm-Up Cycles (WUCs) since “codes cleared”.
An OBD test submitted to the Clean Truck Check that does not meet this minimum operation threshold
get a Not Ready (not passing) test result and will not meet the emissions compliance testing
Heavy-duty (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ≥ 14,000 lbs.) diesel vehicles and diesel hybrids with 2013 and newer model year engines.
Alternative fuel (e.g., natural gas) and alternative fuel hybrid heavy-duty vehicles with 2018 and newer model year engines
Monitors the effectiveness of the Emission Control Systems (ECS)
Identifies ECS in need of repair
Notifies driver when problems occur
Helps technicians diagnose and repair
Encourages the design of robust and durable ECS
If your Malfunction Indicator Light is on, get your vehicle repaired as soon as possible.
Don’t wait. Do the OBD test early in the compliance window so there will be time to fix any issues and re-test your vehicle, if necessary, by the compliance deadline.
Avoid clearing codes. OBD systems require a lot of vehicle operation to be able to complete the emission control system Monitor checks. A vehicle that has not been operated enough will fail the compliance test. Code clearing can occur when:
Disconnecting the battery
Using an improperly installed kill switch that disconnects power to the OBD system (it is OK if the kill switch just cuts power to accessories/lights/etc.)
Using an OBD scan tool to clear codes
Please ensure the test results appear in your CTC-VIS account when getting your vehicle(s) tested. If the test results do not show up within five minutes after completing the test, you may need to:
re-test your vehicle.
unplug other devices connected to the diagnostic port.
verify the communication between the vehicle and the OBD test device.
ensure the internet connection is stable.
If the results still do not appear after multiple attempts during your emissions compliance testing, please email us at hdim@arb.ca.gov.​​​​​​​
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) status and associated diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)
Monitor Readiness
Operation Since codes Cleared (OSC)
Permanent Diagnostic Trouble Codes (PDTCs)
The OBD scan device communicates with the vehicle’s on-board computer about faults known as DTCs. If
DTC is currently causing the MIL () to be commanded ON, there is
emissions related issue with the vehicle. Thus, the vehicle will fail the
An OBD system stores information that indicates if it is “ready” for a compliance test. A vehicle is not ready (and cannot pass a compliance test) if it has not had enough operation since the OBD memory was last cleared (also known as a “code clear”), and thus has not had sufficient time to complete a full diagnostic assessment to determine if an emissions related issue exists.
A code clear can occur if a fault has recently been repaired, or if a vehicle recently has had a dead,
disconnected, or replaced battery. It does not necessarily mean that anything is wrong with the
- it simply means that the vehicle hasn't had a chance to run all its self-diagnostics to confirm that
it is ready for compliance testing. The vehicle will need to be driven more before it can be tested.
Vehicle OBD systems have many components and operations that are monitored. These elements are
categorized into Monitor groups. The chart below is a somewhat generic consolidated list of Monitors.
The actual Monitor components within a Monitor group may vary between vehicle manufacturer, engine
manufacturer, fuel type, model year, and communication protocol. Below are examples of readiness
Typical Readiness Monitor Groups for |
Typical Readiness Monitor Groups for |
Misfire |
Misfire |
Fuel System |
Fuel System |
Comprehensive Components |
Comprehensive Components |
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
Catalyst |
NOx/Selective Catalyst Reduction Aftertreatment |
Heated Catalyst |
Boost Pressure |
Evaporative System |
Exhaust Gas Sensor |
Secondary Air |
Particulate Matter Filter |
Oxygen Sensor |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation / Variable Value Timing |
Heated Oxygen Sensor |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation/Variable Valve Timing |
Based on tests performed to date in Clean Truck Check, most vehicles have all Monitors ready at the time compliance tests are performed and submitted to CARB. However, vehicles that have had codes cleared recently will have multiple Monitors not ready (incomplete).
OBD systems store information regarding vehicle operation since the diagnostic trouble codes were last cleared. Most vehicles have OSC for:
Warm-Up Cycles (WUC) since cleared
Distance travelled, in km, since cleared
Engine run time, in minutes, since cleared
Almost all vehicles in Clean Truck Check track WUCs. If a vehicle does not track WUCs, a CARB-certified OBD scan device will next look for distance traveled, and if that is not tracked then finally to engine run time. Readiness criteria will therefore be applied to only one OSC variable provided by an individual vehicle, and vehicles that do not have at least a minimum level of OSC for that variable will have a test result of Not Ready. As they are phased in, the criteria thresholds for these variables will become more stringent over time.
Heavy-duty diesel vehicles require regular operation to complete readiness. For example, based on OBD data already submitted to the Clean Truck Check, dozens of Warm-up Cycles, thousands of miles, and hundreds of hours of engine run time are required for all Monitors to be ready. That is why it is essential to be proactive and repair emissions-related problems ASAP and to avoid clearing codes if at all possible.
What are Permanent Diagnostic Trouble Codes?
Permanent Diagnostic Trouble Codes (PDTCs) are very similar to regular Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). However, unlike regular DTCs, they cannot be reset by disconnecting the vehicle’s battery or cleared using an OBD scan device. The only way to clear a PDTC is to fix the underlying problem with the vehicle that originally caused the PDTC to set, and then allow the vehicle sufficient drive time to re-run the Monitor that identified the problem in the first place. When the Monitor runs without identifying a problem, the PDTC will clear itself.
Why are PDTCs being included in the Clean Truck Check Program?
Unplugging the vehicle’s battery or using a scan device to “clear codes” are techniques sometimes used to clear OBD information from a vehicle that has an illuminated MIL in an attempt to hide the fact that the vehicle is malfunctioning. Without the consideration of PDTCs, some of these vehicles can incorrectly pass a Clean Truck Check compliance test, which can have a dramatic impact on air quality and decrease the program’s effectiveness.  Although the use of readiness indicators reduces the chances of passing a Clean Truck Check compliance test with an active DTC, PDTCs can further ensure emission control systems are working correctly.
How are PDTCs going to be used as part of a Clean Truck Check compliance test?
Upon implementation, vehicles that have a PDTC stored in the OBD system will fail the Clean Truck Check OBD test regardless of whether the malfunction indicator light is illuminated. If a PDTC is stored, it indicates that the OBD system has not yet successfully verified that a previously detected emissions-related malfunction is no longer active.
Are there circumstances under which a PDTC will not cause a vehicle to fail a Clean Truck Check compliance test?
Yes. PDTCs will be ignored if the vehicle meets or exceeds a reasonable amount of vehicle operation since its OBD information was last cleared. OSC criteria specifically for PDTCs (as opposed to general OSC criteria discussed above) will begin in September 2024 at a low level and will be ramped up as the program continues to roll out.
What is a warm-up cycle?
A warm-up cycle means driving a vehicle so that the engine coolant temperature rises by at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit after the engine is started and reaches at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit for diesel engines (160 degrees for natural gas engines).
Why will PDTCs be ignored when the vehicle has completed a reasonable amount of operation since the codes were cleared?
Once a vehicle’s OBD system has completed its self-diagnostic tests, the PDTC should either set the MIL on if the fault still exists or clear itself if the fault has been repaired. As the Clean Truck Check program ramps up, operation limits are being established to minimize impacts on business operations to vehicle owners who are still getting used to the program and trying to comply, but may be having trouble getting specific Monitors to run to completion and ready for testing. The minimum operation thresholds will continue to ramp up over time as vehicle owners get used to these testing requirements and the scheduling and performance of these tests gets incorporated into fleet operation plans.
Note: The information above is not all-inclusive and does not replace or supersede any of the CTC Regulations.
Applies to heavy-duty vehicles without On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems
The Vehicle Emissions Control Equipment Inspection is a requirement under **Clean Truck Check** regulations.
The inspection applies to **non-OBD heavy-duty vehicles** receiving a **Notice to Submit to Testing** starting in **January 2023**. The compliance testing requirement begins **October 1, 2024**.
Each component must be inspected and recorded as one of the following:
Component | Description |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) | Includes EGR valve, EGR cooler, controls |
Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR) | Includes SCR catalyst, Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) system, monitoring system |
Three-Way/Oxidizing Catalyst (TWC/OC) | Includes catalysts, monitoring systems, warning lights |
Sensors and Switches | Includes oxygen sensors, air-fuel sensors, coolant temp, NOx sensors |
Engine Control Module/Powertrain Control Module (ECM/PCM) | Includes computers, modules, wiring, controls, actuators, connectors, warning lights |
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) | Includes filter, regeneration system, monitoring system |
Retrofit DPF:  Verified Diesel Emissions Control Strategy (VDECS)  | Includes DPF criteria above (for vehicles originally equipped with a DPF) as well as inspection of intake and exhaust manifolds, air filter including flow indicator, crankcase controls, related hoses, connectors, brackets, and hardware; other emissions related components for a particular vehicle/engine as determined from the manufacturer's specifications, emission control label, certification data, or published vehicle parts manuals  |
âť— Vehicles with **missing, modified, defective, or disconnected** emission control components will fail compliance testing.
The tester must **sign, print their name, and enter the date of inspection** to certify that the inspection was performed correctly.
âť— Submitting **false or incomplete** inspection reports may result in penalties.